
Homework and "In Good Standing"

"In Good Standing" (IGS)

TMS has a homework support program called "In Good Standing". IGS is a noon program which is run everyday at lunch, from 12:05 - 12:50. Students may go into the IGS room (Rm. 214A) to work on any homework/assignments they may have in the near future. This will be especially useful for those students in many extra-curricular activities as they may not have time to complete these assignments at home.

If a student does not pass in an assignment on time, the teacher/administration will support the student in IGS during lunch hours (12:05-12:50) until the assignment(s) is completed.

If a student had an assignment due during periods 1 to 4, the student will be referred to the IGS program that day. Once passed in completed and satisfactory, the student is no longer required to attend IGS. If the student does not pass in an assignment that is due during periods 4 to 6, the student is referred to the IGS program the next day. The student may choose to complete the assignment that night and pass it in during the next IGS period. Once passed in completed and satisfactory, the student is no longer required to attend IGS.

If this does not occur, the student will be referred to administration.

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